Hemani Mehta

Assistant Production Dramaturg

Grace Herman

Production Dramaturg

Welcome to your Notes From The Field Dramaturgy Resource!

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This is a live document where Hemani and I will continue to add resources as we work through this production. With that, please reach out if you need help finding information, are particularly curious about something, or if there is anything we can do to help support you dramaturgically. We will both be in rehearsal so please feel free to ask questions at any time, but if you don’t catch us you can always shoot me or Hemani and email, our emails are: gherman@luc.edu & hmehta3@luc.edu

Table of Contents

Character Bios, Information, and Recordings

Anna Deavere Smith

Anna Deavere Smith is an actress, playwright, teacher, and author. She is credited with having created a new form of theater. Smith's work combines the journalistic technique of interviewing her subjects with the art of interpreting their words through performance.

Smith has created over fifteen one-person shows based on hundreds of interviews. Her play This Ghost of Slavery was recently featured in the Atlantic Magazine, making it one of only two plays published during the magazine’s 166 year history. Other plays authored by Smith include Notes from the Field about the school to prison pipeline, Let Me Down Easy, about health care; House Arrest, about the U.S. presidency and the press; and Twilight: Los Angeles, about the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Twilight was recently named one of the best plays of the last twenty-five years by The New York Times. In 2018, HBO premiered the film version of Notes from the Field. PBS has broadcast, Fires in the Mirror, Twilight and Let Me Down Easy.

President Obama awarded Smith the National Humanities Medal in 2013. She has been selected to give the 2024 Mellon Lectures at the National Gallery in Washington.  She was selected in 2015 to give the Jefferson Lecture for the National Endowment for the Humanities, at the John F. Kennedy Center. Additional honors include the MacArthur Award, The Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize for Achievement in the Arts, the George Polk Career Award in Journalism, the Dean’s Medal from the Stanford University Medical School, Obie Awards, and two Tony nominations. She was runner up for the Pulitzer Prize in Drama.

Smith is also an actress in popular culture, having been a part of such shows as Netflix’s Inventing Anna, ABC’s For the People and Black-ish. Previously, she appeared in Nurse Jackie and The West Wing. Films include The American President, Philadelphia, Ghosted and Rachel Getting Married.


  • 13th Amendment Documentary - Netflix

  • When They See Us - Netflix

  • Origin - Hulu

  • 1619 Project - Hulu


Notes From the Field focuses on this "disturbing national trend wherein youth are funneled out of public schools and into the juvenile and criminal legal systems”

School-to-Prison Pipeline

Sources and Additional Resources

UMBC: Just what are ‘zero tolerance’ policies – and are they still common in America’s schools?

Read More

Vox: The school-to-prison pipeline, explained

Read More

ACLU: School-to-Prison Pipeline

Read More

Midwestern Marxist: Feeding the Prison Industrial Complex: School-to-Prison Pipeline

Read More

Justice Policy Institute: Education Under Arrest

Read More

American University: Who is Most Affected by the School-to-Prison Pipeline?

Read More

Sherrilyn Ifill

President and Director-Counsel | NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. | Baltimore, MD

Sherrilyn Ifill is an American civil rights lawyer, nationally recognized as an expert on voting rights and judicial selection. She served as the seventh President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund (LDF) from 2013 to 2022 and currently holds the title of President and Director-Counsel Emeritus. She has received numerous honors, including being named one of TIME Magazine's Women of the Year, the 2021 Spirit of Excellence Award by the American Bar Association, and the Brandeis Medal.

Glossary: “Big Bets”

Glossary: “So This Is It”

Ifill discussing investments, education, and prison industry.

Interview with Ifill from The Daily Show, discussing her background and affirmative action.

Sherrilyn Ifill addresses our broken democracy and the responsibility of the citizen. Longer speech example.

Investments in Prison Complex vs. Education

“While investing in prison education programs will require upfront funding, the long-term economic benefits for states and localities are considerable. For every dollar spent on prison education, taxpayers are estimated to save four to five dollars that would have been spent on incarceration."

“In 2012 alone, the United States spent nearly $81 billion on corrections. Spending on prisons and jails has increased at triple the rate of spending on Pre‐K‐12 public education in the last thirty years”

“According to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the US spends an average of $31,286 per year on each inmate. In contrast, K-12 schools spend an average of $12,756 per student annually. This means the US spends more than double on each inmate than on each student.”

“A major reason for this disparity in spending appears to be the personnel necessary to run each institution. Each teacher in the U.S. typically handles 20.8 students, whereas one guard oversees only 5.3 prisoners.”

Kevin Moore

Videographer of the Freddie Gray Beating | Deli Worker | Baltimore, MD

Kevin Moore, a Baltimore deli worker, witnessed and filmed the arrest of Freddie Gray on April 30, 2015. Gray was detained for possession of a switchblade and Moore’s video shows him being handcuffed, pinned, and dragged into a police transport van. 


Interview, discussing Gray’s arrest & death.

Click here to watch clips from the Original Kevin Moore Interview

Moore in front of the mural where his interview took place.

Allen Bullock

Protester | Baltimore, MD

Allen Bullock was 18 years old at the time of Freddie Gray’s death. The young man participated in the Baltimore protests following Gray’s death. He gained national attention after being photographed smashing a police car window with a traffic cone. He turned himself in on misdemeanor charges yet faced a $500,000 bail– far higher than the bail amounts for the officers involved in Gray’s death, sparking widespread public outrage. Ultimately, he served six months in prison under a suspended sentence.

Allen Bullock made Headlines:

Huff Post: “A Year After Freddie Gray's Death, This Teen Is One Of The Few People Behind Bars”

While Baltimore waits for officers to stand trial in the Gray case, Allen Bullock is behind bars for damaging two police cars.

“At the height of the unrest in Baltimore last year, 18-year-old Allen Bullock climbed on top of a police cruiser, raised an orange traffic cone over his head and smashed it through the car's windshield. A crowd closed in around Bullock, with some joining in on the destruction. Photographers snapped images, quickly making Bullock's act of defiance a resounding symbol of the protests that rocked Charm City for a week in April.

Bullock, now 19, says he'd lost a friend a week earlier, when 25-year-old Freddie Gray suffered a fatal injury in police custody. He was “caught up in his own emotions,” his attorney, J. Wyndal Gordon, would later say after his client turned himself in to authorities under the advice of his parents.”

The Guardian: “Baltimore rioter turned himself in – but family can't afford $500,000 bail”

Allen Bullock’s mother and stepfather told him to surrender for smashing a police car, but they say authorities ‘are making an example of him – and it is not right’

“As parents we wanted Allen to do the right thing,” said Bobbi Smallwood, Bullock’s mother, who wept and dabbed her eyes. “He was dead wrong and he does need to be punished. But he wasn’t leading this riot. He hasn’t got that much power.”

“It is just so much money,” Smallwood, 43, said of the bail sum of $500,000. “Who could afford to pay that?” Hawkins said the total exceeded the bonds placed on some accused murderers in Baltimore. Smallwood added: “If they let him go he could at least save some money and pay them back for the damage he did.”

Jamal-Harrison Bryant

Pastor and Founder of Empowerment Temple AME Church | Baltimore, MD | Spoken at the funeral of Freddie Gray, April 27, 2015

Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant is a pastor, activist, and author. From his various platforms, he connects social justice with pastoral leadership. He is a former NAACP youth director and founder of the Empowerment Temple in Baltimore, an African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. On April 27, 2015, delivered the eulogy for Freddie Gray, ending with the civil rights slogan “No Justice, no peace”. Dr. Bryant has a bachelor's degree from Morehouse College, a Master's in Divinity from Duke University, and a doctorate from the Graduate Theological Foundation.

Listen to an audio recording of his full Freddie Gray Eulogy.

(This is the source from where his monologue originates.)

Sermon - “Stop Cutting Yourself Short”

Second half of Freddie Gray’s Eulogy

40th Pastoral Anniversary Sermon - “It Won’t Take Long”


Michael Tubbs

Councilman, Subsequently Mayor | Stockton, CA

Michael Tubbs is an American politician and a member of the Democratic Party. At time of his interview with the playwright, in 2015, Tubbs was a councilman in Stockton CA. In the following year, Tubb was elected mayor of Stockton, becoming the youngest Mayor of any major city in American history. Currently, he serves as a special adviser for economic mobility and opportunity for California Governor Gavin Newsome.

Former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs discusses affordability in California

Former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs talks 'The Deeper The Roots' - Long Form Interview

Trailer for “Stockton on My Mind” on HBO: The Story of Mayor Michael Tubbs


Taos Proctor

Yurok Fisherman/Former Inmate | Yurok Tribal Reservation | Klamath, CA

Taos Proctor was a Yurok fisherman and former inmate who grew up and lived on the Yurok reservation in Klamath, CA. In 2021, he tragically passed away in a boating accident on the Klamath river.

Playwright discussing Taos:

“Taos Proctor was bigger than life. Performing him in my play "Notes From the Field" gave me the oomph I needed to get through all 19 characters in the show.
He was a fisherman. His boat turned over. His body was found at the mouth of the Klamath river on the Yurok Reservation @TheYurokTribe - right where the river meets the Pacific.

RIP dear Taos, I loved you so.” - Anna Deveare Smith posted to Instagram after Taos’ passing. 

Taos explains to the court his history of drug use and his current efforts at rehabilitation.

Taos Rehabilitation Journey 

Taos works on building a house for his family. Abby encourages him to get his GED. 


Do prisons actually work?

Studies have shown that prisons are not effective in preventing crime and can actually increase the likelihood of reoffending. 

“While behind bars, people are often subjected to dangerous conditions, resulting in trauma. In addition, incarceration severs a person’s ties with family and support networks and causes them to lose their jobs and housing. Upon release, people with a criminal conviction face barriers to housing and employment. All of these factors make it difficult for people to move forward. A 2021 analysis of 116 studies found that prison time does not prevent people from reoffending and, in fact, can increase the likelihood that they will.”

“One of the major justifications for the rise of mass incarceration in the United States is that placing offenders behind bars reduces recidivism by teaching them that “crime does not pay.” This rationale is based on the view that custodial sanctions are uniquely painful and thus exact a higher cost than noncustodial sanctions. An alternative position, developed mainly by criminologists, is that imprisonment is not simply a “cost” but also a social experience that deepens illegal involvement. Using an evidence-based approach, we conclude that there is little evidence that prisons reduce recidivism and at least some evidence to suggest that they have a criminogenic effect.”

Judge Abby Abinanti

Chief Judge of the Yurok Tribe | San Francisco and Klamath, CA

Abby Abinanti has served as a judge in the Yurok Tribal Court since 1997 and as Chief Judge since 2007. She was the first Native American woman to be admitted to the State Bar of California and is the first Native American woman to serve as judicial officer in the state of California. Judge Abby has worked to incorporate Yurok culture into the justice system focusing on rehabilitation in a move away from a utterly punitive justice system.

Read More About Judge Abby:

Judge Abby Abinanti explains that tribes need to create their own models for justice.

Yurok Tribe's Chief Judge Abby Abinanti explains how their wellness court is different

Meet Judge Abby Abinanti: The 2024/25 Jack P. Blaney Award for Dialogue recipient


Leticia De Santiago

Parent | Stockton, CA

Leticia De Santiago is a Salvadoran immigrant who has lived in the United States since 1968, moving to Stockton California in 1998. In 2017 she was inducted into the Mexican American Hall of Fame as Volunteer of the Year for her significant contributions to the advancement of San Joaquin’s Hispanic community. She created and runs a senior program that feeds, aids and entertains over 145 in Stockton on a daily basis.


Sound Glossary (Geese!)

Tony Eady

Student Concerns Specialist | North Charleston High School | North Charleston, SC

Tony Eady is an educator with more than 20 years of experience and the boys’ varsity basketball coach for North Charleston High School. In early 2024, he was celebrated by WCBD for his 500th win as a coach.

Eady’s 500th Win Milestone


Amanda Ripley

Journalist | Washington, DC

Amanda Ripley is a New York Times bestselling author, a Washington Post contributing columnist, and the co-founder of Good Conflict, a media and training company that helps people reimagine and navigate conflict. Her work has been featured in publications such as The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, Slate, Harvard Business Review, and The Times of London. In the November 2016 issue of The Atlantic, she published the article “How America Outlawed Adolescence,” where she examines the arrests of Shakara and Niya Kenny and explores the broader implications of zero-tolerance policies in schools.

High Conflict: One of Amanda Ripley’s novel which explores constructive (and destructive) conflict and how to engage and build understanding on issues where there may be strong disagreement— vital to advancing policies to transform education.


Amanda Ripley speaks on the stories of American kids and teachers alongside groundbreaking new research into education reform.

Niya Kenny

Spring Valley High School Student | Columbia, SC

Niya Kenny, an 18-year-old senior at Spring Valley High School, witnessed a violent altercation in her algebra classroom between a fellow student, Shakara, and School Resource Officer Ben Fields. Kenny attempted to intervene and record the incident on video. As a result, she was arrested for violating the school’s code of conduct. Since she was legally an adult, she was briefly sent to jail. Following the incident, she received widespread media attention, which led her to drop out of high school. Kenny later earned her GED and has since become a civil rights advocate.

News Report covering the altercation at Spring Valley High School with an interview with Niya Kenny


Niya Kenny now working on EveryBlackGirl's team as a mentor supporting young girls on their journeys and raising awareness for the school-to-prision pipeline

Sari Muhonen

Teacher and Teacher Educators | University of Helsinki Teacher Training School | Helsinki, Finland 

Dr. Sari Muhonen is a Finnish educator with extensive experience teaching all grade levels as both a classroom and music subject teacher. She is also involved in the Teacher Training Program at Helsinki University, where she educates future teachers. In 2024, Dr. Muhonen is contributing to the Finnish curriculum reform, having published peer-reviewed articles, textbooks, teacher guides, and other educational materials to support and enhance Finnish education.


Denise Dodson

Inmate | Maryland Correctional Institution for Women Student | Goucher Prison Education Partnership | Jessup, MD

Denise Dodson is a former inmate who participated in Maryland’s Goucher Prison Education Program. At the time of the interview, she was serving a 23-year sentence for first-degree murder. The charges stemmed from an incident where her ex-boyfriend killed someone who had attempted to rape her. Although she did not commit the crime herself, she was held accountable and convicted. Dodson was released from prison in 2018.


Dr. Victor Carrion

Psychiatrist | Director, Standard Early Stress Research Program | Stanford, CA

Dr. Victor Carrion is a Professor and Vice-Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University and the Director of the Stanford Early Life Stress and Resilience Program. His research takes a multidisciplinary approach to studying the behavioral, academic, emotional, and biological effects of trauma. He is dedicated to developing and implementing effective new interventions for treating children who experience traumatic stress.

Frontiers in Medicine: Resilience - Victor Carrión, MD

Dr. Victor Carrión: How to Heal From Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PBS NewsHour with Victor Carrion, MD


Steven Campos

Dishwasher/Former Inmate | Stockon, CA

Steven Campos is a former inmate who, at the time of his interview, worked as a dishwasher in Los Angeles, CA. Beyond this, no additional public information about him is available.


Stephanie Williams

Emotional Support Teacher | Philadelphia, PA

Stephanie Williams is an educator who began her career as an emotional support teacher in the Philadelphia public school system. She later became the principal of Belmont Charter School.


James Baldwin

Author | From A Rap on Race - A conversation with Dr. Margaret Mead | 1971

James Baldwin was a writer and civil rights activist renowned for his essays, novels, plays, and poems. He was a highly influential public figure and orator, particularly during the civil rights movement in the United States.


Bryan Stevenson

Executive Director, Equal Justice Initiative | Montgomery, AL

Bryan Stevenson is an acclaimed public interest lawyer who has dedicated his career to advocated for the poor, incarcerated, and condemned. He is the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, a non-profit organization providing legal representation to prisoners who may have been wrongly convicted. Stevenson has played a pivotal role in achieving landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions that prohibit sentencing children under 18 to death or life imprisonment without parole.

TED Talk: We need to talk about an injustice

Bryan Stevenson on WHY he fights for the incarcerated

The Power of Proximity with Bryan Stevenson


Bree Newsom

Artist and Activist | Charleston, SC

Bree Newsome is an American filmmaker, activist, and speaker from Charlotte, North Carolina. She is best known for her act of civil disobedience on June 27, 2015, when she was arrested for climbing the South Carolina State House flagpole to remove the Confederate flag following the Charleston church massacre.

Bree Newsome Bass on tearing down a Confederate Flag, and what came next

Bree Newsome Bass: Why The Revolution in America Isn’t Over

"Complete Hypocrisy": Bree Newsome Bass on Biden Fighting Racism While Funding Gaza Genocide


Congressman John Lewis

U.S. Representative (D-Georgia, 5th District) | Washington, D.C.

John Lewis was an American civil right activist and politician who served in the United States House of Representative for Georgia's 5th congressional district from 1987 until his passing in 2020. He was a key figure in the 1950s and 1960s Civil Rights movement, co-founding the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and leading pivotal events such as the Freedom Rides and the Selma Montgomery marches. He served seventeen terms in office and received numerous awards for his contributions, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2012.

John Lewis talks about getting into ‘good trouble’ [at the NCC]

John Lewis Interview: Finding Hope in Challenging Times & Overcoming Hatred

John Lewis' Historic Speech at the March on Washington
